Minecraft Luckperms bungeecord permissions don't work?

- in Servers

I created a bungee cord network in Minecraft and connected everything with Luckperms and a database so that I have the same rights on every sub-server and everything works

Except when I want to grant bungeecord permissions like bungeecor.command.server

/ lp group owner permission set bungeecord.command.server server = bungee

if i enter that i have the right one

but still can't type / server

Can someone help me how I can assign bungee cord permissions, otherwise I get a collapse


Do you have luckperms on the sub-servers (spigot) or on the proxy (bungee cord)?


I have luckperms bukkit on the sub-servers and luckperms bungee on the proxy server


Unfortunately, I'm not very familiar with Luckperms, but I do know that you are currently only using the Spigot / Bukkit variant. To use the BungeeCord variant use / lpb as command. In addition, you do not need the spigot / bukkit variant on the sub-servers, since bungee cord can also distribute permissions from sub-servers, but not the other way around