Minecraft Server is shown as offline even though it is online?

- in Servers

I'm on a Minecraft server dev and we have the problem that our server is shown offline in the server list even though it is online. If you refresh the server list once, the server will also appear as online. Can it be because we have our proxy server on a database, and if so, can I fix it somehow? I have already set up servers in the database that were not included in the proxy network and have them equipped with a domain and they work flawlessly.


A database about a proxy? What do you expect from the nonsense?


No, our proxy server is on the database.


Nevertheless, not very useful, because in a database are only tables, there can be no additional server…

Make clever passwords, then you need my proxy too


We have a proxy (bungeecord server) for our minecraft server that manages all our other minecraft servers, and we need it. It is nice that you want to help but I have the feeling that you do not know all about minecraft networks.


But, actually already… Because MC networks consist of active bungee cord from many small sub-servers, which are all connected by bungee cord…

The servers do not need a proxy - you may understand something different than proxy…


I mean with proxy only the bungeecord server and not the proxy you mean. Sorry, if I had not expressed myself correctly.


BungeeCord is a reverse proxy


I KNOW OTHER servers there's the same