What is the difference? - 1

- in Servers

What is the u cutting up between the Raspberry Pi 4 and 4B? And is the 2GB variant enough for a Minecraft server?


I think you should take 8 GB if there's already such a Raspi!


There's no Raspberry Pi 4, there's only the 4 B. If someone only writes 4, that's just conveniently abbreviated, there's no possibility of confusion.

According to the specification, 1 GB of RAM is enough for a Minecraft server to my knowledge. I haven't tried it yet.




What is the u cutting up between the Raspberry Pi 4 and 4B?

If you had bothered to click on the link I shared on your last question (the hardware overview page at Wikipedia), you would have seen that there's only one Raspberry Pi 4 - and that is the model B.

"Pi 4" is only conveniently written instead of Pi 4 Model B…

And is the 2GB variant enough for a Minecraft server?

Of course, it always depends on the load of the server - especially the number of players, any plugins, simultaneously loaded chunks & what is going on in them, etc…

But yes, that can be enough for a small server


But the RAM has nothing to do with the performance of the CPU


And how much would you recommend for a couple of players like 10 and a couple of plugins?


And how much would you recommend for a couple of players like 10 and a couple of plugins?

depends on what kind of plugins they are. But I can't say that exactly, I didn't really care how much RAM is minimally necessary - my FTB server with 200+ mods for up to 10 players runs with 8 GB of RAM (but not on an RPi) …

You will probably get along with 2 GB, with 4 GB you should be on the safe side


Yes. But how should a server work without ram. At least it's Java. That eats ram for starters!


For a Minecraft server I recommend the Raspberry Pi 4B with 8GB RAM. Here is a starter set: https://www.reichelt.de/das-reichelt-raspberry-pi-4-b-8-gb-all-in-bundle-rpi-4b-8gb-allin-p284444.html Everything is included:

Raspberry Pi 4B with 8GB RAM
Heat sink
16GB memory card
power adapter
HDMI cable

8GB RAM because Java, which is required for a Minecraft server, is memory-hungry.

As an operating system, I recommend Raspberry Pi 4 OS as a 64-bit variant:

Raspberry Pi OS 64bit with desktop: https://downloads.raspberrypi.org/raspios_arm64/images/raspios_arm64-2021-04-09/2021-03-04-raspios-buster-arm64.zip

Raspberry Pi OS Lite 64bit without desktop: https://downloads.raspberrypi.org/raspios_lite_arm64/images/raspios_lite_arm64-2021-04-09/2021-03-04-raspios-buster-arm64-lite.zip

For the Minecraft server, I recommend the version without a desktop.

Unzip the zip after the download and then flash the image to an empty formatted memory card with the balenaEtcher https://www.balena.io/...io/etcher/ tool. It's available for Windows, Mac and Linux.

The PuTTY SSH client is then simply installed on the computer / laptop in order to access the Raspberry Pi via console:

for Windows: https://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/latest/w64/putty-64bit-0.75-installer.msi

for Mac: https://www.ssh.com/academy/ssh/putty/mac#installation-using-macports

for Linux: Linux users can install PuTTY via the package management of the respective distro.

The advantage of PuTTY is that you can create profiles there. This saves you typing every time you log in.


Thanks for the detailed instructions that help me a lot, but do you still have a kit without the housing? Because I'd rather print one myself


Then you should order the components individually:

Raspberry Pi 4B with 8GB RAM: https://www.berrybase.de/raspberry-pi/raspberry-pi-computer/boards/raspberry-pi-4-computer-modell-b-8gb-ram?soluteclid=1

Power supply: https://www.amazon.de/...07XR7YXZX/ That even has an on / off switch. Then you don't have to plug in and unplug all the time. That protects the socket.
Heat sink: https://www.amazon.de/...07VH683L9/

32GB micro SD card: https://www.amazon.de/...08GY9NYRM/


Is that cheaper?


If you order these components individually, that makes a total of around € 97