Minecraft Update Xbox One but not for free?

- in Servers

I have the problem that the Minecraft update for Xbox One with servers, etc. Is not free, although it is advertised in the game itself. I'm only forwarded to the store, where I would have to buy it for 19.99 euro. My stepbrother, however, was able to download it for free a few days ago… In a couple of forums I read that you get it for free if you have played 5h Minecraft in the last 12 months. But I'm also already far over it.


For this you need Xbox live was synonymous with me so would recommend you to buy online because it is cheaper there a lot of fun.


I already have Xbox Live Gold… Still plenty


@ zufaelliger485 then restart the Xbox again or check your wireless connection if that still brings nothing I would simply contact for Xbox support https://support.xbox.com/...com/de-DE/


Thanks, I contacted the support.


So it's really fun to gamble.


Hey do you have a tip on how the support responds or why he does not? I just do not get an answer and guess I've waited long enough: /


This always takes a bit longer otherwise just call support 😉