Lost gaming package?

- in Servers

Moin, I'm absolutely desperate

For a long time, more than 1.5 years, I have had the feeling that when I play online, some games don't get data correctly. Here I'm referring to Minecraft and Counter Strike.

In Minecraft I have the feeling that some hits do not arrive or placed blocks, especially if they were placed quickly like in Fast Bridging or if I hit fast, so it is also the case when I'm on his hitbox and fast he still doesn't click any Gets damage.

In Counter Strike it is much worse, there I have the feeling that the opponents can see me sooner and my shots never arrive properly, so from 3 visible hits (because blood comes as a hit animation) at the end only 1 bullet hit, I have already read that lag compensation can cause it, but it is ALWAYS the case that happens, easily 15-20 full rounds. But then there's also a round where everything is perfect, everything goes in, I make clutches that are insane and the round after that nothing works. What upsets me the most is when the players are standing a meter in front of me, I shoot them with crosshairs on the chest, often no bullet hits, that happens often. In the past everything went in, easy 25-35 kills the round, but from one day to the next the problem was there, I always finished the rounds as the best of the round and Zack was just the last one with 5 kills the round

I've already tried a few tips and nothing has helped so far. I have 0% loss or choke. Yes, I've already uninstalled and installed it, Yes, my ping is normal in both games (20ms in MC, 30-50ms in CSGO, which is actually good for the fact that the servers are not nearby), Yes, I already have them Keyboard and mouse changed, yes the games have enough RAM to work and no, it's not up to me, it's constant except for this one exception after 20 rounds and otherwise it's always the same

It makes CSGO unplayable for me, I die instantly at the first opponent who sees me, it feels like he sees me half a second earlier and it comes to me later and therefore he always has a first hit, which ultimately costs me my life.

Here someone has exactly the same problem, with him it is 1: 1 the same as with me, with him it worked at some point with his tips, with me not (Pop001): https://cs.ingame.de/forum/threads/44272-Letzte-Hoffnung-Hilfe-!-Durchschuss-in-CSGO-!

I NEED Help, it's getting me down


I have similar problem with warzone. The only thing that helped was a LAN cable and luck that you caught a good CoD server. With cs it may also be due to their server. The opponents see you earlier can also just hang with FPS zsm. An opponent with 240fps sees you a little more easily than you with e.g. 80fps or similar.


I use LAN cable, server I don't know but then the others would have problems too, but they don't have and FPS I have very strongly fluctuating apparently, from 50-120 it changes all the time, but I think it is unlikely has to do with it