Since I'm upgrading from a Windows to a Linux ubuntu server, I have a question.
I have this script (bat) which restarts my server as soon as it goes off (e.g. Due to a crash).
So roughly: If the console is closed - start it again after a delay!
I can't just copy the code, can I? How can I rewrite it? Or is there another option?
Ps: Just getting to know Linux.
Here is the code:
echo off
echo This script monitors the server!
title Minecraft WatchDog
: StartServer
start / wait java -Xmx2548M -jar paper.jar nogui
echo (% time%) Server closed / crashed… Restart!
goto StartServer
Ubuntu also uses systemd.
You can use the service and the entry in the configuration file
Restart = on-abort
take up. But I can't tell you how it's done with Ubuntu. But they have a forum.
Many thanks for the answer!
The script is for Windows, it won't work that way on Linux.
for Linux it should look like this:
#! / bin / bash
cd $ path-to-server-directory
echo "This script is monitoring the server"
while true; do
./start -wait java -Xmx2548M -jar paper.jar nogui
echo "$ (date): Server closed / crashed… Restart!"
sleep 60
Replace $ path-to-server-directory with the path where the server was installed.
The script still has potential for optimization, that's just a conversion of your script above.
the line where the server is started must probably be adjusted again. I've never started a Minecraft server before.
It would be better, however, if you create a systemd unit from it, since the watchdog functionality is already integrated.
Thank you for the good answer!