Minecraft: Send scoreboard individually for individual players?

- in Servers

I have been trying to create a scoreboard for my server for a few days now that shows the number of players online and the respective rank. The number of players also works when new players join the server. But as soon as the player enters the server, the scoreboard of the other players changes to the rank of the newly joined player. I tried for (), but if I then send the scoreboard to that one, it will still be reset for everyone else.

Would be nice if you could help me further, I would be happy about any answer.

MfG Joshua


For this you need a plugin but you can also do it quickly with script


I have a very large plugin and the scoreboard works too, but I want to know how I can set a scoreboard for a single player


Set up the plugin so that it displays individually for the respective player


Yes but how? XD That's my question, how can I just send it to the respective player?