With all Minecraft versions under 1.13 does the MOUSE OVERDRIVE?

- in Servers

I bought the Minecraft Java Edition in December 2018. At that time, version 1.13 just came out and I mostly only played on it because I didn't check at the beginning that the version could be changed xD. At some point I found out and wanted to play on 1.8 because certain Minecraft servers only work for this version. I had, and still have, the problem that the mouse suddenly just overdrives. At first it is fine and then suddenly it overrides again and then again not. You really can't play like that. I tried again and again whether it might not work, but this problem has not changed. By the way, I have this problem with ALL versions below 1.13.

But now I finally want to play 1.8 too! I finally want to be good at PvP and play on other servers because in 1.14 (the version I use most of the time) it is different with fighting and as I said certain servers do not work or it has bugs.

Does anyone know how I can finally fix this? I've already tried it out, but it just doesn't work… And by the way, it's NOT due to the sensitivity of the mouse. I can change them as I want, it won't get any better.

Is that somehow because I bought Minecraft back then in 1.13 and never played in versions below it? My brother bought the Java Edition very late and he works with all versions under 1.13 without this bug. He even bought Minecraft AFTER me! I really ask for help!

Do you think it works if I write to Mojang Support or just contact Mojang? Can they help me maybe?


So I don't think that your problem has anything to do with Minecraft directly but probably something to do with the mouse. I would recommend trying another mouse (if you haven't already)

Otherwise I honestly have no idea


It should be up to your mouse settings.


I have already considered whether it is because of it. I'll try it! But funny that it is only in certain versions…


Maybe you can uninstall Minecraft and reinstall it (I mean, if you bought it once, but I don't know)


Did you change the mouse sensitivity in Minecraft or in Windows?


I took another mouse and the problem is exactly the same. I changed mouse sensitivity in Minecraft.


Which? The one in Minecraft? What should I change there so that it works?


Hmm okay then I have to say… I have no idea


I will try to uninstall Minecraft and if it still doesn't work, I write to Mojang. They can probably not help me there either, but it certainly won't do any harm.


i have this problem and no, it is not from minecraft, it is from optifine bellow 1.13.2 i dont know why, i dont know the soluction, everything i know is optifine is the problem