I've been trying to breed in Minecraft Villager for some time. There are enough beds, I give them enough food, but it still doesn't work. Why?
Do you already have a job, is there a mob nearby?
Is there a bell in the village?
Do you have enough doors?
Both have a job, but I didn't know that mattered.
Doors? Must there be a bell in the village? Oh…
Depends on the version. In newer ones you probably don't need doors anymore. It didn't work for me without a bell.
Then I make a bell in the village.
No Villager may have died in the last 5 minutes.
And the villagers need an accessible professional block and accessible beds. The beds that can be reached must be more than the number of villagers.
And when mobGriefing is over, they can't mate either. Do it with
/ gamerule mobGriefing true