What is your favorite platform to play?

- in Textures

I've noticed that more and more people from the consoles and the PC switch to smartphones, which I can partially understand. But on which platform do you prefer to play and why? (likes to play, not what you're playing on)

Now my opinion comes before you fancy. Influencing, write down what your favorite platform is for gambling.

My Lielingsplattform is the PC. When playing in any game, if you practice it well enough, you can aim at an exact point, which is very difficult with controllers and smartphones. I also love configuring my PC the way I want it to be. When it comes to graphics, the PC is also ahead of the others. The PC can always make the highest settings in almost all games, as long as you have the right hardware for it, which is not possible to compare with the consoles or smartphones. One more point for the PC is that you have extensions for the PC, such as Minecraft mods, shaders or texture packs. Although there are synonymous with the consoles (I do not know smart phone), but then they are limited and only for sale. The prices of the games on the consoles should also be more expensive, so that their loss from the consoles compensate again. A big point that speaks for the PC is that there's competition. I mean, Steam has been monopolizing all the time, but since Epic Games is there, maybe. Something good for us gamer to develop (like the Epic gives away every 2 weeks) and maybe some. Something else, while at the consoles you can buy only from the manufacturer of the console games. And PC components can have RGB.


I prefer the switch.

I travel a lot and hardly home. And when I'm at home, I usually sit with my parents in the living room and chat while playing with my parents. This is not possible with my ps4 and my wii.

NEN 3ds I have synonymous but there I currently have no desire for the games because for the switch degrees really great things are there and not come.


Simply because the games are often cheaper and I can choose if I want to gamble with a controller or mouse and keyboard. I can play many different games and adjust the graphics settings.


A laptop does it too, as it sounds. But true, the games for the switch are synonymous not without.


I do not have a proper table where I could put the laptop on it. And on my lap on the couch with the mouse is always quite difficult xD

In addition, such a gaming laptop is not exactly cheap (compared to the stand PC). Add to that the fact that you can usually retrofit the laptop only if you want something stronger. Ne switch is now around 300 euro or so. Ps4 is not that expensive either.

for consoles, the practical thing is that the games are "tailored" to the console itself. I do not have to worry about my console creating the new game or being too weak.


Problem with Nintendo: They warm up too much and seem to have no desire to publish new games. : /


I guess you'll just pick up all the good games so they can release in November / December as the parents buy the games for their kids there (for Christmas)


I can only hope so.


DE is a PC gamer country, has always been like that and will remain so for years to come. Only in the US and in the UK are significantly more Konsoleros on the way. That's why the console has such an important role.


Well, I'm looking forward to the new pokemon neat.

and I think there are more. I also highly recommend Dragon quest builders 1 & 2 😍


Do not seem to want to publish new games.

Have you ever seen which games are currently being cut?

Astral Chain, Deamon X Machina, Pokemon, Fire Emblem?


Pokemon and Fire Emblem are 100% "remakes" or games that have been around forever. I'm already looking forward to Astral Chain.


Right for me.

Although I have a switch but rather play a lot of PC.

This includes Skyrim! My favorite game for the PC.


Why? X)

The game was published long ago?


Well with pokemon have already properly "ripped" what you can barely compare with the old stuff.

and there will certainly come more * - *


Must wait for money. XD


Sure, they get better, but principle often stays exactly the same and the background.


Yes, me and adult guy; but I will still be playing Animal Crossing next year. X)


Astral Chain is awesome by the way. The gameplay is extremely versatile and packed with very different tasks. I'm really excited!


Nearly every major Nintendo franchise has a new work in progress, or recently a new installment (Fire Emblem, for example) has just been released. Nintendo does not just take out a new game every year, but takes the time to ensure the highest possible quality. If the wait is filled with good remakes / remasters this is a welcome change in my opinion. And to porten the big WiiU titles does not hurt the game library of the Switch either.


Xenoblade Chronicles 1 also comes with a remake. ^^
Incidentally, I can also recommend Monster Hunter.


I'm looking forward to that ten times more than on Pokémon.


It also does not harm the game library and for newcomers it's almost brand new the game. But I've been in the business for a while and I do not need any games that I've played through on 4 platforms before.


(Of course I also highly recommend XBC 2, still my favorite game on the Switch because of the great story)


Then unfortunately you have the waiting time between the "big" titles somehow bring it around.

I also think it's great to remake certain tracks to the switch. Links awakening for example * - *

In addition, there are many games that are worth it again with a better graphics durchzuzocken * - *


"What splendid soul were you, Jin" - Right in the feels xD

I cried at the end like a waterfall xD

Did you ever notice how indirectly they already announced a remake in the game XBC1? X)


A console is already outdated before it goes on the market.
A PC… Graphics card you can always keep up to date.
Professional gaming conventions are always made with PCs.


Problem with Nintendo: They warm up too much and seem to have no desire to publish new games. : /

Right and you forgot that the power of the switch is well.


I also cried in between times xD xD

I've never played through XBC1 … Never had time… And I can't take the wii anywhere.


I liked XBC2 more. ^^ Substantially indeed.


I can't really judge but XBC2 has me so stumped that there's no game so fast ran.