Install minecraft pc full version?

- in Textures

I bought the full version of minecraft yesterday. I made a mistake. I bought the java version. I can't play multiplayer on other servers

How do I get the Richitge Minecraft full version for pc? Do I still have my created account or do I have to buy a new one or buy Minecraft again as a full version and create a new account and do I have to delete the Java version? I need the website where I can get the download correct version of minecraft on pc where you can buy texturepacks wanted to download the textures package spaks


The "right" Minecraft version is the Java Edition (by There are en-masse (free) texture packs and many & the "right" multiplayer servers.

Then there's the Bedrock Edition (only for Windows 10), this is the "console version", where you have to buy texture packs, you can only play on extra servers, etc. The version is compatible with the consoles & cell phone versions.


Can't play on servers that are not loaded even though I have the full version


There are two versions here:

1) Java edition (actually the real Vo.Vers.)

2) Bedrock Edition (means e.g. On the PC Win10-Edition, on the Handy Pocket-Edition)

Thus: The Java Edition is the real full version, here you can also play on servers

Many, especially younger players, prefer the Win10 Edition, which can be easily downloaded from the store


If you bought the Java version before 2018, you will get the Windows 10 Edition for free. Otherwise not.

However, there are even more servers for the Java Edition than for the Windows 10 Edition.

You can find the Windows 10 Edition in the AppStore from Microsoft or Windows 10.

By the way, so that you get precise answers to all your questions, a somewhat better structuring would make sense (punctuation marks);)


There's the windows 10 edition and Java edition with both you can play on servers, the difference is that there are fewer options with the windows 10 version and you can play crossplay there

To your question if you want to play the windows 10 edition you have to buy the extra and if you want the Java version on minecraft. Net bought it should be the right full version

If you have the Java edition, all texture packs are free with the windows 10 edition, each pack costs money



"If you bought the Java version before 2018, you will get the Windows 10 Edition for free. Otherwise not."

The offer ended last month. Nobody gets it for free anymore.