Do I still have the full version of Minecraft when I create a new account?

- in Launchers

I found out today that I forgot the password from my MOJANG account. So the password with which I log in the launcher directly on the desktop. Now I have to create a new account. For this I clicked directly in the Launcher inside under the "Login" button (create new account?). If I enter my new e-mail address and a new password and confirmation is successful, can I still play the full version? Because that's because down there's the demo of Minecraft belongs to the new account. I also had to create a new e-mail address. So I would not use the previous email again, but the newly created one. So I could then as I said still play the full version and then log me in the normal launcher, or would I have to buy the full version again?


I do not think that works


What is not possible?


An account, a game. If you create a new one, you have to buy the game again.


The transfer, you would have to buy it if new…


Seriously? Why buy the new one? I do not believe that somehow!


Then you could do it on any number of accounts and give your friends, that would not make Mojang happy…


If a second user has written the same, then I think the question has been resolved anyway. Is there a way to change the e-mail and password without logging in?


I do not think so