Find house again?


I built a house in Minecraft on a flatland map and can't find it again…

I have already tried: / kill and the normal map

Schonmal Thanks in advance!


If you have not built a bed, or the house is not spawning, / kill brings nothing. You have to increase the render distance and hope that you find it


/ tp spawn

At least I like my houses again


That's what happened to me quite often.

To find your house again is unfortunately very difficult. However there's a Prima solution for the following problem!

My idea has always been to think N, O, S, W: north, east, south, west. So, when I built my house about north, I went north and always hoped to find it in that direction.

Hope I could help you something.

Greeting Robin!


Is not there any program with which one sees the complete map of pben?


You could possibly install as a stopgap ne Mini Map (Mod). Then sometime your house would have to be displayed to you. But if there's a program for that I do not know.


I always use torches when I walk somewhere…


You have several options, but I think using an external software called Chunky is best.

If you need help with bending, I can help you. Otherwise, a tutorial should be found on YT.