Memory Management Error on Windows 10?


Good evening Pc Master Race friends!

I've got my old Core 2 Quad Q6600 system running on a Gt9800 and 8Gb Ddr2, but I thought I'd use it a bit to see how Minecraft, Paladins and Fortnite are doing nowadays. Überertacktet I have it a bit, the Core 2 Quad runs with 3.06Ghz with 1.3 V and the Graka I have each memory clock and core clock increased by 50Mhz, so far as far as well ever. Only in Windows after a conscience time comes this typical message, Joo the Pc runs net correctly and must be restarted. And then, in the bottom left corner (so why not) Memory Management Error / Fail, kind of that way. Can someone tell me why that is? Should I lower the clock of the CPU? Or is it the graka?


Yes, lower the clock of the CPU and I do not know how much but Minecraft knows less Ram.

But can also harm a software or something


Did you overclock the FSB? If so, it could be because the ram is overclocking.


Ne everything runs floor up on just CPU and gpu