Games name allowed?


Are names like "AlbertEinstein" or brands like "Nike" allowed? Legally speaking. Or series names like "TheWalkingDead" etc.


Albert Einstein died long enough that his name is no longer protected.

The commercial use of current brands is guaranteed to require approval.

Brösel, the draftsman of the Werner Comics, asked Porsche if he could write the name "red Porsche Killer" on the motorcycle; he was not allowed to ; -)


As a first name or where / for whom?


Games name. Steam etc. So username.


With Albert it becomes such a thing that nobody will come to complain. You will definitely get in trouble with the others. Two, the name / brand is not necessarily protected in Nice class 28 or 42, but the reputation is still sufficient to achieve protection for all areas in merchandising. In other words: If you don't have a license and do it anyway, it will be extremely expensive.