Minecraft redstone


I'll explain it quickly and easily. If I walk over a trip hazard in minecraft, it should move a piston so far, but if a second player walks over it immediately afterwards (about 1 second), the piston shouldn't move, so that's the second Signal is blocked someone has an idea, I figure out how to do it


Build a capacitor.


And how should I use it then or how does it help what brings it


If you simply connect the one in the picture with your stumbling block and the pistons, the pistons will stay activated longer and then move back. But if someone walks through it, nothing happens to the pistons.


So I have it in my world that an item goes through a stumbling block, then the piston opens briefly, which is closed and then closes again and I would like to have it that way if I let two items go through it at a distance of 0.5 to 1 sec that the first item goes through but the second doesn't


Whoa, I can't do anything 100% with that and even if I did, it would be difficult to explain it to you. Do you have that on a server or realm?


Ne unfortunately on a solo test world


Do you have a link that could help me?


Difficult because I haven't fully understood it yet and currently believe that it must be much easier than with pistons. Do you have Discord and would you like to exchange ideas with me there on the weekend?


I would have time at the weekend say a time and then I'll add you


We can then make it through discord. I'm sending you a friend request here on Girlfriend so that I don't have to share my Discord name with everyone xD.


Would you like that the signal no longer comes when 2 walk over it or that a second original does not come?


The ne still comes a second signal. So that when I walk over the tripping hazard the piston door opens but with 2 times ne between the first and second times 0.5 sec


Then so:

Minecraft redstone