No plan what else to build - Minecraft?

- in Worlds

Me and my brother are currently playing Minecraft in a survival world and we do not know what else to build? We have a warehouse, farmhouse + stable, vegetables and farzen farm, so we have a little bit but I would like to build more and if I want to build something like a school dan says my brother, who should be taught there? "And then I have no more boch thereon, so if you have any ideas please.


Build a village and put in there inhabitants by egg.


What kind of farms? I really enjoyed making automated farms. Everything at the touch of a button in your inventory.

Otherwise tree house, in the nether a base, beach house, any real life things mimic

Hope I could help.


Thanks for the answer but only play on survival without creative mode


Do not you have to. You can also give yourself the eggs by command. In the end, but you can build whatever you want, because a sense has the stuff in MC anyway.


Yes, thank you for the answer.


Forgot to say that I play XD on console anyway, thanks


Automate farms. Find and build new mob grinder, underground bunker or rocket launch or a city with skyscrapers and cars, etc. Or how things you've got to enlarge and improve