How do you get into the normal old nether in Minecraft?

- in Worlds

I started playing Minecraft again the other day and then went to the Nether, but I only spawn in such a strange world with new mobs. Does anyone know how I can go into normal or would it be deleted? (So with normal I mean where the ghasts, zombie pigs etc. Are


Ghasts still exist.
But for the old Nether you have to play in an older version


There are now biomes in the Nether. You just have to look


If you've updated Minecraft, you can't go back to the old one… You have to download the old version of Minecraft.


Since the Nether Update there's no longer the "old" one. To do this, you would have to play the old version…


I haven't really looked at 1.16 yet so I'm not sure but as far as I know the biomes are in the Nether and you just have to walk as far as you get to the areas with e.g. Ghasts