Minecraft Worldguard: How can I make a region that has no height limit, or where I do not have to mark with the ax at height 0 and 256?

- in Worlds

Minecraft Worldguard: How can I make a region that has no height limit, or where I do not have to mark with the ax at height 0 and 256?


You simply mark the desired area and then use the following command: // expand vert


The thing is, if I make vert expand the REGION if I fly upwards does not appear at / rg i


Did you also pay attention to the correct order?

Make a region
// expand vert
Create region

If the region already exists and you do not create a new region, you must do the following:

Make a region
// expand vert
/ rg redefine (or something similar to redefine the area of the current region)


Thanks works! "


Worldguad protect blocks and no air. Build yourself up, stand on the block and ask the region, then it works.

No normal player flies, he is standing on the ground. For a region, it's all about building law, how high / low you can build.