Minecraft throws me out of my world after killing a mob?

- in Worlds

I've created a new modpack, which revolves around magic, but after every 1 to 5 killed mob I'm thrown out of the world with the error message "A Fatal error has occurred, this connection is terminated" Problem only, this is a single player World, I can enter it again but after killing the mob again the same thing, for reproduction I exported the profile from twitch, https://bktsiwiwissende0-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/ita20_maximilian_becker_bkt_siwiwissen_de/ESLPj3huiXVHq_JIIlZ83ugB6PQ4HvU6LPrOuSUbgoIEmw?e=KcgdnU. Looking forward to solutions, thank you in advance


I think this will likely be more of a mod pack issue. Minecraft will not suddenly have become so pacifist that you can no longer kill mobs.


I created it myself, there's no mod in it that forbids that