I'm stuck?

- in Worlds

Hey guys I have a problem right now I'm in minecraft doing a build and I'm sitting there for almost 1 week… I wanted to go to the execute command. The problem is when I used the teleport command I was teleported and suddenly I'm stuck in the world! Even if I kill myself or I always land at the point where I've teleported myself and I'm always stuck there I've restarted the game but I can't get away. Can someone help me there?


Just teleport yourself somewhere else, or does not it work?


Use an external program like MCEdit to remove the commanblock.

then it should not teleport anymore


Do you mean that you have a Commandblock that teleports you always in the same position or is it a bug? If Commandblock then you should / fill approximate coordinates of Commandblock's air replace commandblock

And which execute command did you enter?


Unfortunately that was not possible


Thank you that finally worked


Thanks for your help I have solved the problem now