So… I recently bought Minecraft and installed the launcher.
I open the launcher and install the latest version (1.14).
already comes the error that some files can't be saved, accidentally, all end with .ogg. I simply skipped these files until finally Minecraft was installed except for the .ogg files. I open Minecraft and either hang up in the MOJANG screen and the game crashes through 'no feedback' or I get to the start screen and create a world or join a server, at the latest at 'Building Terrain' screen crashes the game because ' no feedback 'from.
What should I do now? I have Windows 10 per 64 bit, ryzen 5 processor, Geforce 1060 and 16GB Ram… That should be enough for Minecraft right?
here again the error code if Minecraft crashes when creating a new world maybe one of you can do something with it
Process crashed with exit code -805306369
Delete the Minecraft folder and install the launcher again