Copy large structures to other worlds (Minecraft 1.16.4)?

- in Worlds

Dear Minecraft players,
I have a question for you:

We started building in a normal world and have come a long way. Meanwhile we regret not having any Biomes-o-plenty biomes. I have already tried to change the world setting (server properties on aternos), but it seems that nothing can be done afterwards (can you?). Our idea was to copy the area and paste it into a Biomes world. My question now is: How can you copy large areas in 1.16.4 in order to paste them back into other worlds?

Would be very nice if you could help us!


I do not think that it is possible to copy buildings into another world


You could install Litematica via a modloader (Forge / Fabric), create a schematic and then insert it into the new world.


Simply stack structure blocks next to each other or re-fine


With good luck via MC edit or world edit


The world type can only be changed if you also generate a new world. This is generally the case with Minecraft servers and initially has nothing to do with Aternos.

Your best option would be to install WorldEdit (also available for Forge server: and create schematics of your structures:

Then you can generate a Biomes O 'Plenty world ( and insert the structures again.