Find Minecraft (PC) Villages / Desert / Jungle?

- in Worlds

I've been minecraft for a long time and I'm really happy.

Only I have a few questions:

(Single Player / Infinite World / Peaceful / with bonus chests)

1. I already had a card in the inventory at the beginning. I have the first expired directly and marked me the environment. I also found a village. What amazes me why there's only one village on the map?

On a second world I could find 2/3 villages and now and then such strange towers.

In my first world I do not even have a real jungle or a real desert. Everything just green land with few beaches and poets forests.

Do I have only 1 village in the world or is there a trick to find more villages?

2. Infinite world? When I go over the edge of the map, the world goes on and on. Is it worth it to go further or is it just unnecessarily generated without special features? Are maybe the desert or the villages outside my map?

3. There was a stone that could not be destroyed by the creep explosion. Which one was that? Was that Nether or Nether tile or something more special?

Lots of text, many questions, thanks in advance


What amazes me why there's only one village on the map?

That is coincidence

Do I have only 1 village in the world or is there a trick to find more villages?

There are probably more, just run running.

Are maybe the desert or the villages outside my map?

Yes there's. The world outside the map is just as "good" as it is inside.

Which one was that?

Obsidian (lava + water)


Thanks. I'm trying to look more outside.


You can find villages instantly with the help of a Seed before Maperstellung!


Cards do not display the world. They show a remaining section. The world is 60,000,000 × 60,000,000 blocks.

You can find structures with / locate


/ locate does not work unfortunately


I already created my world: /


Why that? Does not matter, you will find enough, there are also special "treasure" cards with which you can find specific structures.


Seeds are unnecessary given the generation rate of villages.