Motion sickness in video games?


I have the following problem: I have an extreme problem with motion sickness when gaming. But not only with VR games, but with normal PC games. However, this motion sickness is getting worse. I used to have motion sickness only at Borderlands for example. With Overwatch or Minecraft, I never had problems with motion sickness. In the meantime, motion sickness also appears in these games.

I've tried everything possible. Anti-motion sickness tablets, stick "artificial" crosshairs on the center of the screen. Change resolution settings, etc.

Two questions torment me now:

Why is motion sickness getting worse instead of better?! Does the internet say that getting used to it would make it better?

What else can I do about it? Maybe someone of you already has experience.


Try to make noise and motion blur if possible, and lower the Sensi so far that you can still gamble sensibly, but keep it as low as possible.


I've already done that šŸ˜“ Unfortunately, it doesn't help either


In many games there's something like "motion blur" in the graphic settings. I personally have an allergic reaction to this blurred motion.

Just try it out if it helps you if you exhibit it. Although I suspect Minecraft doesn't have that.

But if I were you, I would also try to drastically reduce your PC times.

If you get sick of PC games, your body probably tells you that something is wrong with you that is directly or indirectly related to the PC.

Checking whether you are an epileptic could also be important. Your family doctor can help you to test whether you might have epilepsy. Ka if your description can be medical I could only imagine it but your family doctor will know better than I if it could be.


If you have a little more money then you can see if you can get better graphics card screens.

Higher Hz and FPS stop. Since I have no experience with whether hardware helps.


As I said, depends on the gameā€¦

Will definitely go to the doctor when the corona stuff is overā€¦


Motion sickness is a contradictory perception of the senses. This is probably the Canal-Otolith conflict.

A family doctor can't usually diagnose epilepsy. For that you have to see a neurologist. However, I see no need here. A visit to the ENT doctor makes more sense to me. Because the problem is most likely related to the inner ear.


Ok then we at least agree that he should go to the doctor.

Whether a general practitioner or a specialist.

I personally trust my family doctor quite well. If the (group practice) have no idea what is going on with me they will admit it and send me to specialists.


If Boderlands is a big impairment to the quality of life for him, yes. Otherwise, he's not the only one with the problem. It is not pathological.



I'm worried because it's getting worse. A few years ago, Minecraft wasn't a problem. In the meantime, I can't play it for 5 minutesā€¦


What I remembered would be an old bad monitor. If the flickering or too rarely updates the picture or so I could imagine similar symptoms.

But apart from that it looks like you can't avoid the doctor's appointment.

And since Corona will be with us for a while, you should consider going faster. For me, the flauksis theory of motion sickness does not sound sufficiently plausible that I would rely on it.