I would like to buy a gaming laptop, how much would it cost?


Well, I have a normal laptop and I'm too slow for GTA Minecraft ect. Actually, I only play GTA and Minecraft and the normal laptop does not create a GTA and Minecraft licks like a pig. But I do not want to spend 1000 euro for a laptop that's too much for me

Can you recommend Mur laptops that are good at playing GTA 5 ect.

I'm looking forward to your Answers


Define "good" and what your budget is… If it's just playable, that's possible for 500 - 700 euro.

If you want high settings at native resolution, you will not get past 1000 euro or more.

But there's always a possibility.

In addition: Does it necessarily have to be a laptop?


Well, so much cheaper would be a laptop that runs well on the GTA 5, unfortunately not. Where you can find a good mid-range PC in stand-up PCs for, let's say, 800 euro, laptops are only the starting point for gaming.


Yes, I already have a gaming PC… ENOUGH… Tasted


A laptop that plays a game as well as a desktop is always more expensive


He could go.


but without guarantee.