Minecraft Clock not working?


The following simple clock:

Minecraft Clock not working

Logically, the torch would have to power the upper block (where there's no redstone on it) and the block then powers the block below it, so the torch goes out and the process runs backwards again and repeats itself. Instead, the torch and reedstone go on and off very briefly and quickly (for approx. 2 seconds approx. 5 times). How can that be?


(by extension I mean this redstone thing on the ground, this adapter or something) you just have to make a 9x9 field and then like this:
redstone extension redstone

extender extender

redstone extension redstone

so you have to put it on the floor and then place it on a redstone ne redstone torch and dismantle it again immediately

then goes


I don't know the mechanics in the Bedrock, but I can imagine that the clock won't work as a result.

Try the classic comparator circuit or observer clock.


The torch is a simple inverter, the switching speed would become "infinitely fast". This would use up the entire computing power for the torch. In the meantime this has been prevented by other means, but the original measure to prevent this is still possible, the torch burns out.

If you want to have the quickest possible tack, nowadays you take two "observers" who you put face to face. One sees how the other makes his update and thus gets an update himself, which in turn the other sees and so on.


OK thanks.