Course of the color of the sand on the beach (for Minecraft)?


I'm currently building a beach in Minecraft. Since I don't just want to use sand, I also want to work with a gradient, so I wonder what this is like.

What is clear is that there's a pretty clear line between the wet and dry sand where the waves hit. The question now is whether the sand seems to get lighter again the deeper it goes into the water. Unfortunately, Google image search doesn't really help and I don't have a beach nearby.

I have now made two versions, once where it gets lighter again and once where it stays dark or even gets darker:

Course of the color of the sand on the beach for Minecraft

(Water is still missing and where it goes deeper, of course, something comes out. In both cases, the deeper it goes, I would get darker and darker. At some point I can only work with the color, because I'm not under the bedrock can build…)

So what color is the sand under the water?


I would say the dark


Something like Smooth Sandstone, or Endstone, I think would be better. And you should also implement other types of blocks in the grass / rock.