Can you spawn with Command's particles behind an arrow?
Do you mean the spectral arrows? You can connect arrows with glowstone dust, I think, and then you get a light arrow. You wouldn't even need commands for that. Or what particles do you mean?
I do not know if I'm so good that I can think of it now but maybe I can / execute @e [type = arrow] ~~~ particle minecraft: basic_fire_particle ~~~ you can also change the particles. Now you write that in a repeating command block
He speaks of an execute command that causes particles to spawn behind the arrow
I'm sorry, I should have expressed myself more clearly, I mean in the Java Edition
What kind of particles do you want?
With fire paticles the command goes like this:
/ execute at @e [type = arrow] run particle flame ~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 0 5
In the bedrock it would be right