Convertible notebook, your recommendations?


I'm already the longer time on the superior to me a Windows Tablet zuzulegen. First I had the Surface Go in mind, but now I decide to buy a convertible notebook, so notebook and tablet in one.

Mainly I would like to program it for easy (Discord Bots with Eclipse IDE) and Office stuff, so quite normal Microsoft Excel, Word, Power Point, etc. Of course it should therefore run with Windows 10 Home 64 bit. Also for smaller games like Minecraft (from Windows 10 Store) it should be good but only secondary.

As a prerequisite I have only:

- 8GB ram

- SSD hard drive

- HD display to 14 inches, even larger or smaller is not bad, it should not go below 10 inches.

That's it. What kinds of models would you suggest / which would you advise against based on your experiences?


I recommend you the Acer Spin 5

He seems to be very efficient and looks good and fulfills your requirements.

Or else if you are looking for a real "gold piece", I recommend you, at Financial opportunity, the upcoming Surface Pro 6.