What do you think of the announced Nether Update?


The Nether should now have biomes, of which 3 (actually 2) were already introduced at the Minecon. In addition, you can live more or less in the Nether now… But what do you think about it? I've been quite pleasantly surprised by it so far, but I can well imagine that there are people who do not find some new stuff that cool. Do you think it's good that you can now also get food from the Nether (Except Moored Meat), or do you find it not so cool? What do you think of the new Piglin Beast and the new Piglins? (so far)

How do you generally find the direction in which Minecraft develops? (since 1.9)


The new mobs I find too complicated. If you e.g. When a Piglin poses next to a zombie, you can see that well. In addition, then the pig zombies are gone, so that the remnants of the first form of Villager.


@Hilnna The pig zombies are not removed. But as far as I know, they're going to be renamed, 'zombie piggy' 'just, the question I'm asking is whether to attack the renamed swine zombies, then. After all, you are attacked by the non-zombified variant, as long as you have no gold armor.


But then they do not look like that anymore but like the Piglins.


@Hilnna I guess so. It could also be that more than just the name and the look is changed, but that makes the update after my somehow interesting.


The Nether has never been particularly inviting, or somehow full of variety. Always the same barren Netherrack with lava lakes. Since 9 years.

That changes herewith. I think you better go to the Nether.


More mobs to trade.


@ MrAmazing2 I wonder if every part of the nether is now a biome. It could still be Biomaterial parts of the Nether.

What do you think how many biomes will be in the Nether at the release of 1.16?


If everyone is waiting for a cave and fight update, bring a Nether Update now. Of course nice. I think the Piglins are great. But they could also respond a bit more to the wishes of the community!


Yes, that's right


If you think about it, the end is not necessarily so much more exciting from the biomes ago, but due to the immensely hot loot you still have the motivation to run for hours over desolate yellow islands with purple plants or to fly.