Minecraft parents permission to pay 10 cents?


I need help i want to change my minecraft data and all of a sudden there's "You Need a Parent's Permission
Before you can use this part of the website, you need a parent's permission.

Please provide your parent's email address so that we can get your parent's permission. "
Then I entered the email from my mother and all of a sudden she has to pay 10 cents with Visa or Mastercard numbers. But do not we have that, what can I do now?


Watch where you put in your email and talk to your parents about it if you have not already


Wtf? What does this have to do with my question?


What did you want to change? When I changed the nickname, I had to pay nothing.


I'm not 18 And on my Minecraft account I'm 13 And when I wanted to change my password I have to confirm that I'm 18 now


Did you buy that from Mojang or anywhere else? When changing the password, I never had to pay


Of course I bought the place there


Something like that is a kind of filter from Mojang, as there have been more frequent problems in the past with damage caused by minors, Mojang wants to make sure that either the person is 18, or someone agrees to stick in the event of a case.

Therefore, a credit card is required (but with the card is only a guess)