How do I convince my parents to give me GTA V?


So I'm 15 years old. I've been dreaming of the game since I was 8 years old. Many of my friends play it, but I'm not allowed to.

The problem is, my parents are pretty strict about video games. It took a long time to convince you to buy a decent PC. I play a lot on that too. But rather boring games. Well, nothing against Minecraft, but that kind of thing gets boring at some point.

Now my question is: How do I get my parents to allow me GTA?

I've seen several Tarantino films and I'm used to that sort of thing. The only correct argument from my parents is the blast and violence itself. I can puff my mouth, but they are totally stubborn. This is annoying, because it makes me feel totally behind at school and with my friends, and I can't really have a say.
Can somebody help me?


Say it's a racing game.


Wait another year and hope that the FSK will be reduced to 16. But if you can surf at 2 a.m. You can think of something else.


Uff, that won't work. After all, they know that it's FSK 18


I surf on my cell phone. And only because they don't know. It's different with the PC, unfortunately


I was playing GTA when it was still hype a few years ago on the PS3, when I was still 10. Now a lot of FiveM are playing and there are thousands of new players every day.

Aif FiveM you can either play drifting with mods or roleplay. If you could explain to your parents that you want to play an RPG but you need GTA 5 to do so, they might agree.


Take stickers that are from 12 and up and say look mom, that's from 12


Had the same problem… I was only allowed to play once because I made it to high school. Then of course I wanted to continue gambling because eif was cool and waited. I'm 16 and my parents allow ea me now so you just have to wait.


An FSK is not simply reduced like that.


Bro, no offense… But I guarantee it won't work


I hope that works for me too


To be honest: why do you want to play GTA5? I mean the graphics are absolutely rubbish, it has a lot of bugs and the community is anything but good. Rather play good games like Assassin's Creed, Forza Horizon4 or (if you have a switch) Zelda Breath of the Wild.

Or just wait until GTA 6 comes out. Then your parents may think you're old enough


It's something personal. All my life I've wanted to go to LA (Los Santos) or Route 66 (Route 68). In addition, as I said, a dream would come true. As for the graphics, well, I've mostly played the 00s GTAs and Minecraft so far. So I'm not saying no to graphics, but GTA V is absolutely sufficient for me


As good as you think You can get it and only play when you're alone


Probably not, but when I was 16, Freddy Krüger was on the index, so you never know?