Convince parents of Minecraft?


As the title says, I want to convince my parents of Minecraft (Java). I tried it 2 years ago but they said no and didn't listen any further when I wanted to list good reasons. In any case, I want to try again but don't know how to convince them. I even have a Minecraft console edition (Wiiu) but it's very old and has not been updated for a long time, and all my friends play on the PC please how you got it insofar as you had to ask your parents about it.


Say something extreme like, my friends are no longer interested in contact with me or something.


You can offer them to do some kind of job like babysitting or similar for the money it costs. Earning money for your hobby is always a good thing…

Otherwise, check out their reasons why they refuse. Maybe you can change something about it…


Hmm, I don't know that would be really that good, parents wouldn't say something like '' if they say something like that stay away from them '' or something like '' then they're not friends '' I think that doesn't really help


That's right, a good idea.


Tell them you already have the game and just want an update, tell them that you are excluded from the group if you don't have Minecraft, tell them what you can build with Redstone (calculator. Etc), tell them that Minecraft Sorgar is used in some schools to convey architecture and circuits.


Maybe this book could help your parents But you can tell them that this is only a paid update of something you already have. Tell them that your friends are all allowed to do that too.


That's right, I think his parents are just afraid that he is just sitting at the computer.


Try it with this (-;


Thanks for the star!