How can I leave the monitor in Computercraft?


I want to show something on ComputerCraft's monitor. I use for this:

monitor = peripheral.wrap ("right")

term.redirect (monitor)

I grab it directly to the monitor, but if I want to show something on the computer I have to leave the monitor again. How do I do it?

Minecraft version 1.12.2

Windows 10

CraftOS Version 1.8


Is explained in the documentation:

Why do not you take OpenComputers? This mod is worlds better than CC in virtually every way. Here are some advantages:

The material costs are in a much better relation to other mods
Better APIs with more features
Newer Lua version
Properly functioning resource limitations
Persistence (computers save their complete state, even if you finish the game)
Operating systems can be written by yourself (MineOS, for example, has a complete graphical user interface)
Generally more features (correct internet access, drones, 3D printers, etc.)
