60hz monitor fps capping?



My monitor can only display 60Fps, but does it throttle the GPU? For example, when I play Minecraft, does the monitor influence the FPS so that it is always less than it actually could because it can only display 60fps? Or does the monitor not affect the GPU's potential, and the frame rate remains high, even if it can't be seen on the monitor?


Basically, the graphics card doesn't wait, but always spits out as many frames as it can. However, this can lead to undesirable effects (screen tearing). Therefore one uses e.g. V-Sync to make the card wait for the monitor. By doing. In this case, the maximum FPS would correspond to the refresh rate of the monitor, i.e. 60


A monitor can't influence a graphics card, that is, the graphics card outputs the frames that the graphics card can give, but the monitor then only emits the 60 frames because it can't do more


But only with V-Sync


My concerns are, I have a program that shows the FPS and it almost always shows 60, is actually always different. But more often it also shows just below 60, although my graphics card probably spits out much more than 60fps, why does it never stay constant at 60fps?

I started MMORPGs a few days ago, I'll probably start playing tomorrow and after that it can get quite a bit of framedrops, in combat, for example, and if something like that is automatically limited to 60fps, the FPS could be cheerful when which really go down even further, although the graphics card could do more and therefore it should actually stay at 60 instead of going down further


It depends on whether vsync is on or not.