ÅMÅŽÕÑ & dchild = 1 & keywords = gaming% 2Brechner & qid = 1613242443 & s = computers & sr = 1-2 & th = 1
I want to get a gaming PC with maybe 100 FPS and don't have that much money available and I don't want to build it manually myself Would you recommend it to me or even recommend a better one for a close price (only platforms Amazon, Media Markt and Saturn )
Amazon PCS are overpriced, rather have a look at Hardware Council or Dubaro
Absolute rubbish buy this one:
Oke many thanks really nice have no idea about computers i have one more question i have to buy something to gamble outside of the monitor keyboard and mouse
No, it really only depends on whether you need Wi-Fi or not.
Yes it is clear that I have Wi-Fi how else I would ask the question
No, at the moment you can only connect the PC to the internet with a network cable. He can't receive Wi-Fi like this.
Oh well, thank you
The CPU is intended for video editing, but not suitable for gaming.
Would rather take
So it's not that bad either…
Ok, then give me one thing that is good about it.
Do I have to buy something or can I simply gamble directly with a LAN cable, keyboard, mouse and monitor?
He looks hollow inside does he have a graphics card and so inside?
Of course, you see everything in the description. He just has the case as a picture
Oh ok
The CPU is "good".
At the current prices…
Only the pc is there.
The CPU is limited by the weak VRM design of the board.
That may be true, but this pc is not as bad as described.
No - the system is not good. With the budget, I would either go for a used system or this:
Would you say the graphics card is good?
I would say sufficient
Yes, but that you can't see it doesn't surprise me ^^
Now you also recommend HardwareDealz.
Do yourself and everyone who is asking here a favor and find out more about hardware.
I have already done this and yet it doesn't remain rubbish.
Perhaps the answer giver should do that, there are quite a few PCs with mobile CPU's or APU's with these prices, especially with the current prices, this is and remains damned garbage, it's not good, but not garbage!