Extreme Ping Fluctuations in Minecraft?


Hi, I have recently tried Minecraft again… I have not played it for a long time and thought to play it again.

I noticed that I ONLY and I stress on really ONLY in Minecraft have extreme ping fluctuations… In every other game I have about an 8-14er ping.

My connection has not gotten worse and my ping in the other games has not gotten worse… I have this problem only in Minecraft.

The whole thing is going on… Normally I have in MC nen 24er Ping… I do not know why but in MC my ping is generally worse. But 24 ms would be sufficient to me anyway completely isses I do not care if I NEN now nen or 24er Ping have,

Well anyway, I have about every 60-120 sec. Nen 1000 Ping for about 10 sec. Then everything is back to normal.

I absolutely do not know why that is.

About help, I would be happy to understand myself… The whole jz runs already for about 3 days.


Ping is server - not game dependent.


I have the problem on every server and with all other players is the ping top… Of course there are some par exceptions but mostly is the ping of the other players in the 10-30 ms range.


Ping is still server dependent. On US / Canada servers I also have a bad ping.