Will the ritual be stopped when there's no more blood and blood altar extension? (Blood Magic Minecraft)?


I've been back with a friend for a long time started a project that deals with magic and technology in Minecraft.

I make Blood Magic and have the altar at level 3 → he can carry 10000 blood.

But I have an Or I have Level 3 but would use 25000 so how can I extend the camp of my altar?

And if my altar has no blood, will the ritual be stopped or will it continue?

Will the ritual be stopped when there s no more blood and blood altar extension Blood Magic Minecraft

So in my experience that was not stopped at the time, but I'm not 100% sure.

In addition, there are blocks with which you can increase the blood limit.

If necessary, simply build a Mobfarm over it and build it so that the blood of the mobs can flow directly into the altar if you knock it down with the sword.


And are you still playing Minecraft?


Yes, but only if I get to it.