How are churches actually consecrated?


I just got this question somehow because I wanted to dedicate my Coreway Cathedral (my church in my Minecraft city) in Minecraft. (Christian)

Of course, I would be interested in Jewish and Muslim too.


I think (am not an expert) the altar is moistened with holy water by a bishop (or something similar or "higher").


Well for me the church belongs to a different religion anyway, namely to the Erzaythemus


But thanks


A church or altar consecration is always held by a bishop.

As part of a solemn service, relics of a saint are placed in the altar (e.g. Walled in) and anointed with chrism oil. Then he is sprinkled with holy water. There are five small cross reliefs on the altar plate (for the five wounds of Jesus), incense is burned there and the altar is consecrated with words. Then follows the solemn covering of the altar with altar cloth, candles and altar cross - the altar consecration is done.

In the case of a church consecration, the high altar is added to the altar and the first introduction of the hosts into the tabernacle and the lighting of the eternal light.


But only Catholic, in 'Protestant churches there are no body parts

