I have a problem, so actually it is not so bad but annoying a bit, because I can't put ^ (just do not know if you see it lol so I'll describe it) So ne art arrow without a sting goes up. I can actually put the sign anywhere but somehow not in Minecraft -c-
Does he know why that is?
^ - ^
So with me that does not work in MC either.
Is probably so wanted.
The others can write it?
You must then set a second character or a space.
I will do._.
Well it's ok, but I have to type it twice, and then remove 1x.
You do not see the first one until I have typed it again or something else.
Just double click ^? Because with me it goes: I
Do you have to press something else? _.
No: / you can even try to write °, so the same button with shift
You need Labymod