Virus the Ram and CPU consumed?


Avast says I do not have viruses but well, Avast is not known to be reliable


I actually have a pretty strong gaming computer

However, this has stopped in the beginning of 2019 to really work, games have started to lag, although I had previously on the highest graphics 120fps, the ping crashed again and again, although I nen nen lankabel and my brother with wireless has no problems.

Meanwhile, I watch incredible performance consumption of all sorts of programs, The Avast Brower, Minecraft and League of Legends tend to over 2GB of RAM performance in Task Manager, Also, the CPU is fully utilized with only 2 to 3 programs which is pretty funny. I know the Intel® Core ™ i5-6500 processor is not the best, but still. In any case, Minecraft or League sometimes just consumes 50-90% of the CPU and 2+ GB of RAM and yes GB

Could it be that I have a virus that limits my performance or even mined cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin? I do not know why but League and Minecraft are not designed to consume 2GB of RAM, nor is a browser (avast secure browser)


Put it this way, it could be, but it is unlikely. The virus can't be in memory or so. On the other hand, it can also be good that you just have a lot of programs that fill up your ram and your CPU. I advise you just to rebuild your Windows. That may be a bit of work, but it certainly does not hurt.


Bad tongues would also call Avast Maware ^^


I see it the same way. I hate Av programs (except for the Windows defender) anyway, since they are advertising with some advertising and sometimes demanding the CPU enormously


I actually have a pretty strong gaming computer

Would be helpful to list the components.

CPU is fully utilized with only 2 to 3 programs which is pretty weird

There's nothing funny about that; it depends on the programs used.

and 2+ GB of RAM and yes GB

There's absolutely nothing unusual about that.

Could it be that I have a virus that limits my performance or even mined cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin?

Before you throw any strange speculations into the room, you should investigate the real reason for power dips. It is often due to at least one of the following factors:

Overheating of the GPU or reduced clock speed
Overheating of the CPU or reduced clock rate
Simply insufficient hardware performance (also single channel RAM, …)

Pinglag is also related to server-side connectivity issues.


That a program, game, consumes a lot of resources in action, but is good at first, shows that the calculator is well exploited by the program.

You should have a look with the Windows 10 - Resource Manager during full load, what is going on there. Avast I would throw out if you have Windows 10, the MS Defender is now just as good - and not annoying.

Alternatively, there's that too, more in-depth for analysis:

If, however, it becomes clear that only the games need a lot of resources, no other (background) processes, then everything is fine, I mean.




Entirely my opinion.