Moin Leudeee,
I currently have a little problem with my Minecraft. In fact, if I sometimes turn around 180 degrees, for example, it suddenly jumps to 270 degrees.
I have the problem with my two mice (Razer Viper Ultimate and Roccat Kain 122 Aimo) and I don't notice it on the desktop. But what else could be the problem? I play with Badlion Client 3
It greets you
a confused one
Most operating systems have a setting to adjust the curve of the mouse acceleration depending on the speed. Would look that you have something like this, that ensures that the pointer is moved further with the same distance covered when the movement is faster, which can make it much more difficult to hit consistently in games.
Under which settings can I find something like this?
Depends on your operating system, I don't use Windows, it was enhanced pointer position or something under the mouse settings. On linux, for example, you can set this via xinput, but it depends on which software you use exactly.