Bluetooth mouse for butterfly?


I'm always looking for a mouse… Since I like to play Minecraft (pvp) and Butterfly can do quite well (on some ancient office mouse), I wanted a whireless mouse for my new laptop… Because I don't want a second mouse, it should be good for work etc, but also for a few (many) rounds of skywars, bedwars etc.

Now that I like Butterflye, I wanted a mouse with which you can do the above and Butterfly well😁

Hope you know some mice…

About the survey: please add a reason, that really helps 👌

Which mouse do you find better for butterflying (don't want jitter or abuse) I know, none is really good for that… But that's not the question😅


These are both well suited. Consider these:


Thanks for your answer! 💪 The mouse on Amazon looks really nice… I will consider it😅😊

Do you mean with the mx Master can you butterfly? 😅


It is important that the buttons are continuous towards the rear. With the left button which continues after the mouse wheel, that should go well. Go according to the optics, that matters a lot, you have to like it.