Two, three blocks and 1 click? Minecraft problem?


I have the problem in Minecraft that when I press the left or right mouse button, 2 blocks or 2 are dismantled, but this is only when I build and not in the settings. Always after 2 blocks, this happens and it's ultra annoying. Can I fix this somehow?
Ps: I always have around 260 FPS


This may be because your mouse always double-clicks. You can set profiles for certain games for certain mice and it may be that you have placed a double-click function on your mouse button.

If this is not the case, I would see if you have any mods installed.


I just changed my mouse and it's working fine. Could you tell me where these profiles can be set by a mouse, as long as it is possible with this mouse.
I did not understand mods, how to download the xD, only have Optifine and Labymod, and I play with Optifine on version 1.16.5


What kind of mouse do you have?


Can you see that somewhere on the pc? I don't have the packaging here and out of my head, unfortunately I don't know


You can go to the settings, then to system, then devices and printers should be written somewhere on the right in blue, if you click on it, with luck, the name will appear, if not, maybe there's a logo on your mouse?


I didn't find anything on devices, but I checked the logo. It says "GXT", meaning from Trust.


I don't know if there's a gaming software from trust, otherwise google it and see if you can find the model that is in front of you


I just found my mouse on the Media Markt website, and here it is: TRUST GXT 101 gaming mouse, black


Jo ok, but I can't find any software for it… Btw you can download mods via the technic launcher or via forge