Would like to play horror games but am afraid?


I haven't played horror games for almost 3 months because I hardly had time for them because of school and before that I played horror games very often and looked for them, so to speak.

I want to play some again and there's one that I bought in the offer but didn't have the opportunity to play it.

Well, I'm kind of scared of it even though I already know the games and what happens when.

How can I overcome myself?

I only played Minecraft lately, nothing else.

I'm 20 and female


The best way to overcome yourself is to play it.
But the best thing about horror games is also unique. That you get scared. 😉


I envy your problems!

Watch the news or read the newspaper. There you will experience TRUE horror in abundance!


The very best would be to do without such SCHWACHSINN!


Start the game you want to play. If you don't dare, have a friend just play or watch with you. If you've done this before, there should be no problem playing it. But if you are still afraid, then I would leave it, because it will not do you any good. I'm scared too, so I rarely play games like this.

I got drunk once and then played a horror game that I would never have played otherwise, but that's a tough way


How can you be afraid of scenes you already know, I wish I could erase my memory for something like that. ^^ Just use cheats like God Mode / Infinite Ammo. ^^


Why do there always have to be people who just don't answer the question and write some other garbage?


Man, man, man, man.

If you don't dare then don't do it! You don't have to play something like that!


I also wonder why you have to write garbage!


Then your question is just as pointless as your answer.

