Is my little brother addicted to the PC or are my parents treating me unfairly?


I have a question:

My little brother (10) has so zählich every day argues with my mother because he (half a week) me only half an hour television Pc etc. Darf.Am weekend we can one and a half hours… My first question would be whether this time normal is.

My second question is:

My brother always yells and wc more Pc time because he wants to play Minecraft. I do not care about it anyway but it worries me because my mother can't stand that annoying… Since I finally have a younger sister (4). My question about that Is I going to do anything with my sister or distract her during the argument, or is the psyche also affecting her, and whether I should do something about my brother's business?

Would look forward to feedback lg.Reuli


I'll guess "younger sister" will be the more successful option. The 10-year-old will hardly want to deal with his sister anymore… And every year the less.


In my opinion, your brother is still a little young at the age of ten, so you really should limit it. How old you are, I do not know, but serious work on the PC is hardly possible before the age of twelve. Look at the PC for what it really is: as a work tool. And do not let the PC rob you of anything that is basically precious (sports, contacts, etc.). Especially playing on the computer should generally be limited. After all, your brother is ten years old so he understands it. Whether you should do something against it - in my opinion not. You should leave that to adults better. They can better judge what to do.


Yes but do you think my little sister will get a bad family picture.


I personally find only 30min TV / TV too little time, because that is not enough to look more than 1 episode of a series or clever to play something.

I think that his behavior can have a negative effect on your little sister and it would certainly help if you would keep them busy in the time and if you could find a solution for the apparently permanent disputes as a family.


Thanks for your answer that really helps me.


Well, if you take care of her, she does not get the other one with her


Thank you I will try to keep my little sister out of this.