What do you need for a PC with which you can play Minecraft fluently?


Me and a buddy want to play Minecraft (Hypixel) together, but he doesn't have a PC. Now my question is, which components do you need to be able to play Minecraft smoothly? He wants to play on Full HD without shaders, but 60-100 fps should still be possible. Is a cheap Vega 8 graphics card enough or should you choose another one?


The Vega 8 should always manage Minecraft with +60 FPS on high settings. The Ryzen 5 3400G would be more suitable for the future, as it has a better graphics unit (Vega 11) as well as hypertreading and a better single core clock. But remember to use RAM with at least 3000 MHz, otherwise the Vega graphics unit can't work with its full performance.


Okay thank you.