I just want to know the right difference between the minecraft editions Bedrock and Java. Also what is the snapshot version?
Bedrock is the mobile phone version, Java the PC version. And snapshots are development phases for the curious and troubleshooting. So updates, where the community can gradually test the new version and report various errors and crashes in actions that Mojang can't predict.
Okay i'm just referring to my knowledge now
bedrock: the failed child of microsoft, crossplay, many functions hidden behind payments (skins, …)
java: the only real thing, mods, skins, texture packs, custom clients (badlion…), maps all for free, PC only
snapshot: unpublished versions of the java edition (e.g. The current 1.17 update, it's not out, but you can already play it via snapshots, it's a test version)
if you want to get any of it, get the java edition PUNKT
The Java Edition is only made for computers, where you can play with friends on servers or in single player mode.
The Bedrock Edition is for all other devices (Xbox, Playstation, etc.). There you can also play something like Modpacks of the Bedrock Edition, but most of them cost something.
Snapshots are developer releases that players can test out. This is about the new features of the next Minecraft version, which can be tested in the snapshots. (e.g. Axolotl version 1.17)
The differences are told here
And Snapshot is a trial version on Quickly Explained.
As I literally wrote it in 36423784623874623746574 answers, the Java Edition is much better than the Bedrock Edition, but only for PC