Can someone tell me which Minecraft shader Luca / Concrafter is using?
He uses several like any 0815 youtuber
Which ones did he use in his last videos?
How should I know that I do not acgaue myself such arrogant cringe types
He is neither arrogant nor cringe
But if you look at it mao correctly, it is complete
The one who is Cringe is you. And to clarify, Lucas Kontent has a certain sense of humor. Not everyone has… Including you and me (I looked at them when I was a little younger). And if you don't have an answer, you can keep your stupid and cringen comments to yourself. They'd rather not have an answer at all than get one from someone from you.
I only said my opinion and some things are independent of the humor he is arrogant and I'm not cringe I just said my opinion